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July 15, 2022
If you could get 20 percent more people to open a link to a donation form in your emails, how many more donations could your charity earn annually?
Think about it. That’s potentially tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars that could help accomplish your charity’s mission.
All of us receive dozens of emails every day. That’s a lot of emails that your charity is competing with!
Even if you think you’ve developed the perfect email with the most fantastic hook, does your donor base feel the same way? So, to encourage a supporter or donor to open an email, let alone click a link in your email, what do you need to know?
Today, we’ll be exploring just that using the Donor Management System (DMS).
Segmenting is how marketers divide and organize the entire donor email list into smaller lists based on donor characteristics and behaviour. Common donor segments include donation history or donation size. Marketers can then create personalized emails to target different segments leading to more emails opened, links clicked, and ultimately, donations received.
Charities segment their contact lists to show they care about the donor’s interests. By personalizing emails for your different segments, your charity provides more valuable content and information than a generic mass email.
Perhaps you send a mass email with the subject line Sign up for monthly donations today! However, that email blast includes donors who have already signed up for recurring monthly contributions. What’s the likelihood those monthly donors will open that email? Probably close to zero.
At best, these monthly donors may simply delete this email. At worst, they unsubscribe from your mailing list entirely or report your email as spam.
So instead of sending a blanket email, why not create a segmented email list of your monthly donors? That way, you can target this monthly donor segment with much more valuable emails, such as thanking them for donating monthly and the specific impact of their monthly contributions.
You also don’t want to ask your monthly donors to sign up for monthly donations. Not only is it redundant, but it also gives the impression that your charity is unorganized. Creating a segment for your monthly donors is really an opportunity for your charity to ask for an increased monthly donation or even a major gift.
There are two ways to group your email lists using the DMS.
With Groups, charities have complete manual control over who they’d like to add or remove.
In the example below, we'll show you how to create a segment for major donors - donors who’ve contributed $10,000 or more.
Click-through rate (CTR) is a metric that charity marketers use to measure the percentage of supporters who clicked on a link in an email. It’s calculated by dividing the number of unique individuals who clicked a link in an email by the number of emails sent. The higher the click rate, the more likely your supporters find the content in your emails to be relevant to them.
Measuring the CTR helps charities understand what content is relevant to their donors. That’s we started with segmenting. Segmenting helps charities brainstorm ideas about what type of content resonates with their donors. And charities should always aim to optimize email content to achieve higher CTR, and repurpose or avoid low content that results in lower CTR.
There are two major components to consider when a charity aims to improve the CTR of its emails. The call-to-action (CTA) and the content preceding it.
The CTA is the link itself, a line of text or an image that prompts the donor to take action. Think of those ubiquitous buttons asking you to, “Donate now,” or, “Learn more.”
To improve the CTR, charities must be mindful of the targeted segment and the objective of the CTA.
Returning to the example in the section above, the CTA in an email to your segment of monthly donors shouldn’t be, “Sign up for monthly donation.”
Especially when sending emails to brand new subscribers, charities may want to tone down aggressive CTAs requesting donations. Instead, the objective should be building trust and a relationship with CTAs such as, “Read more about our mission,” or, “Learn about how we help our community.”
The content is the second component that plays a significant role in the CTR.
And to improve the CTR with email content, less is often more.
Because for successful charities, emails are not the final destination for their supporters and donors. As such, there isn’t a need to write lengthy emails that detail the entire charity’s story, mission, and values.
Instead, these charities use email content to hook the reader and provide some context for the CTA to encourage and lead their audience to a form, donation page, or blog.
As you apply the two strategies above, regularly measuring the CTR of these emails will help you understand what’s working and what isn’t. Perhaps you need to tweak the CTA or update the messaging of the content. Whatever you’re optimizing, remember it’s a continuous cycle of learning.
Charities can measure the CTR of each email by navigating to the Administer tab and clicking on Draft, Schedule, and Manage DMS Mails.
With the DMS, you can clean up your email lists by identifying individuals who haven’t opened an email for an extended period of time and emails that consistently bounce back. That time period could be three months, half a year, or a custom time frame specified by you!
Bounced emails are emails that could not be delivered to the sender and, as a result, returned to the sender. Common culprits of bounced emails include incorrect email addresses or full inboxes.
Charities tend to consider individuals who haven’t opened their emails for extended periods as lapsed supporters or donors. One reason is that they’re no longer using that email. However, a more common and unfortunate reason is that the individual no longer sees value in your emails.
This is an opportunity for your charity to revisit the messaging of past emails. Investigate what emails these individuals opened in the past and when they started to drift away from your charity. You may find that you’ve been asking for donations too often, or the emails were too generic and weren’t tailored to their interests.
By keeping lapsed supporters in your email lists, you risk negatively skewing your email metrics, such as the CTR. For example, if you send an email to 40 people and 30 of them open the email, that’s a CTR of 75 percent. However, if five of those 40 people are lapsed supporters, your actual CTR is about 86 percent, a more than 10 percent increase!
But before removing lapsed supporters from your email lists, consider re-engaging lapsed supporters first! It’s a great way to encourage them to support your cause with newfound excitement!
As for bounced emails, this is an opportunity for your charity to help ensure the email addresses in your list are up-to-date. Whether the supporter’s inbox is full or if the email is incorrect, try to reach out to the supporter by alternative means to update their email address
To track unopened and bounced emails, click on the Contacts tab in the top menu, then select Advanced Search. On the Advanced Search page, scroll down to Mailings and open the dropdown.
Intimate, honest, compassionate, and hyper-personal emails. This is how even some of the most streamlined charities provide a human connection with their supporters. In marketing, we call this type of customer service the human experience.
Not every email needs to have a CTA. Don’t think that you’re losing out on donations because an email doesn’t have a, “Donate now,” button.
Part of the donor stewardship process is building trust and relationships with your supporters. And sometimes, that means more giving than taking.
Often, it takes more than a thank you email after donation to earn the trust and loyalty of donors. Sometimes it’s about going above and beyond to help your supporters feel appreciated and seen.
Providing a human experience goes beyond simply segmenting your audience and sending targeted emails. Celebrating anniversaries, graduations, and other personal milestones by emailing supporters are some of the best ways to provide that human experience.
With the DMS, charities can easily track and automate thousands of events using the Activities function. No need to scribble down important dates on sticky notes ever again.
When a supporter shares an important date or event in their life, you can easily add and automatically track this information in their DMS profile using the Activities function.
How easy is that? You'll be way ahead of the curve even by doing one or two of these upgrades. Whether you choose to send targeted emails to segments, optimize content based on CTR, clean up their donor email lists, or provide a more human experience, your charity will be better equipped to engage and delight your donor base. Most importantly, they’ll start looking forward to your emails rather than hitting, “Mark as read.”
As you refine your email strategy, many charities tend to focus on their segmentation strategy. Specifically, they’re curious about learning more about what motivates your donors to donate.