How to Craft Better Fundraising Messages and Calls to Action

The answer to increasing your charity's fundraising efforts and receiving more donations lies in enhancing your case for support. Start with refining your brand story, and the messaging and calls to action (CTAs) that go along with it.

Pulling from extensive research and expertise in our new eBook on executing the ultimate year-end fundraising campaign, CanadaHelps has put together a three-step process for charities to develop a stronger case for support, and increase donations this giving season.

1. Write a Heartfelt Brand Story

An effective charity story strikes a chord with donors and makes a compelling and emotive case for why they should give to your cause.

A brand story should consist of a powerful, consistent, and aligned message, one that incorporates your charity’s values. Remember, people give from the heart, not the head

Components of a winning brand story:

  • Examples: Share real-life examples of the impact your charity has made. Use vivid imagery and personal anecdotes to draw readers in.
  • Urgency: Explain why your cause needs immediate attention. What problems are you solving, and what happens if no action is taken?
  • Real-world Impact: Use statistics to demonstrate the tangible outcomes of donations. For instance, "Every $50 donation helps provide meals for 10 children.”
  • Core Values: Make sure your message reflects your organization's core values and mission.
  • Integrity: Use language, visuals, and messaging that are true to your brand identity.
  • Engage Stakeholders: Involve your team and stakeholders in the messaging process to ensure alignment and buy-in.

Consistency is key. Your brand story should be uniform and recognizable whether it is being told over direct mail, email, social media or another communication channel.

Deliver your aligned message at every touchpoint where you interact with the donor. Remember, telling your story effectively is what inspires donors to contribute generously to your fundraising campaign.

Strategies to ensure consistency:

  • Develop Key Messaging Points: Identify the main points you want to communicate and ensure they are included in all materials.
  • Use Similar Visuals: Incorporate the same images, colors, and fonts across platforms to create a cohesive look.
  • Align Tone and Style: Maintain the same tone of voice across all communications to build trust and familiarity.

2. Craft the Ultimate Call-to-Action

Once you've perfected a message that resonates with your audience, it's time to motivate them to take action. Writing and delivering clear and concise calls-to-action (CTA) that encourage supporters to give their email, click a link, or donate money is the cornerstone of successful fundraising. 

Elements of a powerful CTA:

  • Directness: Tell your audience what action you need them to take. Vague and passive language should not be used.
  • Urgency: Encourage immediate action. For best results consider time-sensitive phrases like “only 24 hours left”.
  • Real-world impact: Use examples to underscore the difference their contribution will make. For example, "Your $100 donation provides clean water for a family for a month."

3. Personalize Message Distribution

Once your brand story and message have been defined and CTAs have been written, it is time to move on to the how, where, and when of getting your brand message to your audience.

For best results, we recommend implementing a multi-channel communication strategy. Interacting with your donors over a diverse range of channels increases your chances of garnering a positive response. Each communication channel has its strengths, and using them together creates a comprehensive communication strategy.

Key donor outreach channels:

  • Direct Mail: Personal and tangible, it’s excellent for detailed stories and appeals.
  • Email: Fast and cost-effective, ideal for updates, newsletters, and quick calls to action.
  • Social Media: Engages a broad audience with shareable content and real-time interaction.
  • Phone Calls: Adds a personal touch, making donors feel appreciated and heard.

The next step in up-leveling your message distribution strategy is to segment your audience. Since individual donors respond differently to each communication channel, segmenting your donor base is essential for creating personalized and effective outreach efforts that harness the best results.

Segmenting your donor base into specific groups lets you exercise control the messages they receive. It also allows you to tailor your communication so it resonates with the diverse needs of your audience.

For example, a message to new donors might highlight the foundational support they could provide. An email to last year's donors should start with a thank you and acknowledgment of their past contributions. For major gift donors. you might consider a personalized phone call where you can highlight the substantial impact of their contributions.

How to segment your donor database:

  • Analyze Donor Data: Use donor management software to gather data on donation frequency, amount, and donor demographics.
  • Create Segments: Use tags or another digital tool to divide your donors into meaningful categories such as new donors, long-term supporters, major gift donors, and lapsed donors.
  • Tailor Your Messaging: Develop unique messages for each segment that speak directly to their interests and giving history.

Effectively distributing your brand story alongside a sharp call-to-action gives your charity the best opportunity to hit, and even exceed your end-of-year fundraising efforts. 

For more in-depth information on how to craft your brand message, write impactful CTAs, and segment your donor database,  our new eBook is full of cutting-edge charity fundraising advice.

This is the second installment of our blog series on year-end fundraising. For guidance on how to successfully plan and prepare for giving season visit Part 1.

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