CanadaHelps GivingTuesday Campaign Toolkit

GivingTuesday is an important day for Canadian charities.

This year, CanadaHelps has put together a new campaign toolkit to make it easier than ever for charities to participate. The toolkit includes email templates, social media templates, and a sample campaign plan.

In past years, we’ve seen GivingTuesday campaigns that have been extremely successful, and we believe that this year’s campaign can be even better. With the help of our toolkit, charities will be able to reach more donors, raise more money, and make a bigger impact.

What's Different About this Toolkit?

The demand for services from Canadian charities has increased significantly in recent years. In response, we wanted to provide something fresh and new that would give charities the best chance to raise more money on GivingTuesday.

We want to see even more charities succeed this year, and we believe that our toolkit will help make that happen.

The first step is to download the toolkit from our website. Once you have the toolkit, you’ll find everything you need to get started, including:

  • Email templates for every GivingTuesday scenario
  • Social media templates for the most popular platforms
  • A sample campaign to show you how things can look and feel.

GivingTuesday Email Templates

The email templates are designed for different GivingTuesday scenarios, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs. Whether you’re looking to promote GivingTuesday in your newsletter, thank donors for their support, or ask for a specific donation amount, we’ve got you covered.

The tool kit has examples,  tips and tricks for each template, so you can make sure your email stands out and gets results.

Social Media Templates

We’ve also created social media templates that you can use to promote your GivingTuesday campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These templates are easy to customize with your own branding and messaging, and they’re a great way to engage your supporters.

The tool kit includes instructions on how to use the social media templates, as well as tips for getting the most out of each platform. We even dive into TikTok for some fun ideas on how to connect with younger donors.

Sample Campaign Plan

The sample campaign plan is designed to give you an overview of how a GivingTuesday campaign can be structured. It includes information on what tasks need to be completed, who should be responsible for each task, and when things need to happen.

The tool kit also provides a template campaign plan that you can use to create your own GivingTuesday campaign. Simply fill in the blanks with your own information, and you’ll be ready to go.

Tried and True Tools

We'll also be updating our GivingTuesday tools from the past few years. This includes:

  • A GivingTuesday Social Media Calendar
  • A GivingTuesday Campaign Checklist
  • Ready-to-use GivingTuesday images for social media

These tools have been extremely popular in the past, and we’re happy to be able to offer them again this year.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started on your GivingTuesday campaign today, and make sure to download the CanadaHelps GivingTuesday Toolkit. With our help, you’ll be able to reach more donors and make a bigger impact.

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