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Published on
August 29, 2019
Our CanadaHelps' team is back from their 2019 tour of Western Canada. They brought the first-ever free online fundraising tech jam to over 400 attendees from charities in Vancouver, Calgary, and Edmonton.
The CanadaHelps Charity Roadshow was held at the Vancouver Public Library, the Calgary Central Library, and Edmonton’s Food Bank. The event welcomed charities of all sizes for an afternoon of networking with sector peers and learning from CanadaHelps’ work with thousands of charities across the country. Discussions about the shifting Canadian charitable landscape were moderated by Tamara Rahmani (Charity Engagement Specialist, Western Canada) with panel speakers representing leading organizations in each city.
Jacob O’Connor (Director, Charity Engagement) provided a glimpse into the state of giving in Canada and highlighted how CanadaHelps’ powerful fundraising tools are helping charities capitalize on opportunities in online giving.
We’d like to thank our hosts, panelists, and all of our attendees for making this a successful event!
For more information about our fundraising solutions, see our offerings At a Glance.
Charities continued the conversations on Twitter using #CanadaHelpsRS19.
Ready to kick off at the Vancouver Public Library with our charity friends.
Vancouver panelists (left-to-right): Shelina Dilgir (MA, CFRE, Director of Development, Neil Squire Society), Dr. Jasper Lament (CEO, Nature Trust BC), and Elijah van der Giessen (Community Manager, Netsquared) with Tamara Rahmani.
Calgary panelists (left-to-right): Tanya Koshowski (Executive Director, Brown Bagging For Calgary’s Kids), Tracy Johnson (CEO, Calgary Public Library Foundation), and Sue Tomney (CEO, YWCA Calgary) with Tamara Rahmani.
Edmonton’s charities at our last roadshow stop, hosted by Edmonton’s Food Bank.
Edmonton panelists (left-to-right): Lorraine Swift (Executive Director, Change for Children), Marjorie Bencz (Executive Director, Edmonton’s Food Bank), and Mike House, President & CEO (Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation) with Tamara Rahmani.
Our team celebrating after wrapping up the last day of the CanadaHelps Charity Roadshow in Edmonton.