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It's that time of year again. The holidays are just around the corner and that means it's time for GivingTuesday.
Also known as National Giving Day, GivingTuesday has grown into a massive movement. In past years, over $43 million was raised for Canadian charities and more than 6 million Canadians participate annually. Even with its success, many charities are skeptical about getting involved. Some are worried that there is too much noise. Others feel like focusing on GivingTuesday will take donations away from the rest of the year.
While it makes sense to be cautious about getting involved in something new, there are plenty of good reasons why your charity should participate in GivingTuesday.
With over 40 Canadian community movements and millions of participants last year, GivingTuesday has critical mass. And that means there's safety in numbers. When you participate, you're not doing it alone. You're joining a massive movement of charities all working together to raise awareness and funds.
There are several benefits to joining a movement with this much momentum. For one, you can leverage the GivingTuesday brand to help promote your own fundraising campaigns. The more partners there are, the more credibility the brand has. And that means people are more likely to pay attention when you use it to promote your own campaign.
You can also tap into GivingTuesday's extensive network of resources and support. They have helpful guides and templates that you can use to plan and execute your campaign. And their team is always on hand to answer any questions you might have.
GivingTuesday is a great opportunity to get some free marketing for your charity. There are plenty of ways to get involved, from sharing posts on social media to writing blog posts. And when you do, be sure to use the hashtags #GivingTuesday and #unselfie.
Increasingly, people are using social media to research charities before they donate. So it's also a great opportunity to show potential donors what your charity is all about. When you share stories and photos from your work, you give people a glimpse into the difference you're making. And that can be a powerful motivator to donate.
GivingTuesday is a great way to tap into a new pool of donors. Because it's such a big event, it's covered by the media, which means your charity have the opportunity to get some free publicity – and that can go a long way in attracting new donors.
This is a great strategy, especially for those who feel like they've reached a plateau with their current donor base. For example, if you're only reaching out to the same people year after year, it can be difficult to grow your donations. But by participating in GivingTuesday, you can reach a whole new group of potential donors.
To accomplish this, you'll need to promote your campaign far and wide. Be sure to post about it on social media, include it in your e-newsletter, and reach out to local media outlets. The more people you can reach, the better. Just be sure to segment your lists so you're not bombarding current donors with requests for money.
One of the biggest misconceptions about GivingTuesday is that it takes away from donations during the rest of the year. But the truth is, it actually encourages year-round giving.
How? It gets people in the habit of giving. When you participate in GivingTuesday, you're instilling the spirit of philanthropy in your donors. And that can go a long way in encouraging them to give all year round, not just on one day.
Plus, when you raise money on GivingTuesday, you can use those funds to support your work throughout the year. So it's not just a one-time boost, it's an ongoing source of support.
Charitable giving is declining in Canada across all age demographics—except for people under 25. But reaching younger demographics can be a challenge. They're not as engaged with traditional forms of marketing, like TV ads or direct mail. So if you want to reach them, you need to be where they are: online.
And that's exactly what GivingTuesday is. It's a digital-first event, which means it's the perfect opportunity to reach millennials and gen z. By participating, you can connect with this important demographic and show them what your charity is all about. Learn more about how to engage younger donors.
GivingTuesday is the perfect day to launch a new campaign or initiative. Because it's such a big day, you're sure to get plenty of attention. And that can help you maximize awareness and funds for your new campaign.
Not sure what sort of campaign to launch? Here are some ideas:
Use GivingTuesday as a chance to launch a new social media campaign. This could be anything from a hashtag campaign to a video series. The sky's the limit!
Host your own giving day on GivingTuesday. This is a great way to encourage your donors to give, and it can help you raise a lot of money for your cause.
Use GivingTuesday as an opportunity to launch a new fundraising challenge. This could be anything from a matching gift challenge to a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign.
GivingTuesday is a great way to kickstart your year-end giving. Because it comes at the beginning of the giving season, it's a perfect opportunity to get people in the giving spirit. And that can mean more donations for your charity.
We know that the year-end giving season is crucial for charities. In fact, CanadaHelps has seen that nearly 50% of all annual donations are made at the end of the year. So if you're looking to boost your year-end giving, participating in GivingTuesday is a great way to do it. For example, you could use it to launch a year-end giving campaign or send out a special appeal to your donors. Doing this can help you get a jumpstart on your year-end fundraising and ensure that you meet your goals.
GivingTuesday is also a great way to raise money for a specific purpose. Many charities use the day to launch campaigns to raise money for a specific project or need. This is a great way to focus your fundraising efforts and make the most of the day.
For example, you could use GivingTuesday to launch a campaign to fund a new program or build a new facility. Or you could use it to raise money for an existing program that's in need of additional support. Whatever your needs are, using GivingTuesday to fundraise can help you reach your goals.
GivingTuesday is a great opportunity to get involved without a lot of work. There are plenty of ways to participate that don't require a lot of time or effort. And that means you can still make a big impact without having to put in a lot of extra work. Here are some ideas:
One easy way to get involved is to share GivingTuesday content with your followers. This could be anything from blog posts to infographics to social media posts. By sharing this content, you can help spread the word about GivingTuesday and get more people involved.
Another easy way to get involved is to post about GivingTuesday on social media. You can use this as an opportunity to promote your charity and encourage your followers to give. Content templates are available here.
Creating a giving page is a great way to make it easy for people to donate to your charity. And it's a super easy way to get involved in GivingTuesday. All you need to do is create a page on your website or on a giving platform like CanadaHelps. Then, promote it on social media and other channels.
GivingTuesday is a great way to build hype for the future. Because it's such a big day, it can help you get people excited about your charity and what you're doing. And that can mean more support and more donations down the road.
For example, if you have a big project coming up, you can use GivingTuesday to generate excitement and get people on board. Or if you're planning a major fundraising campaign, you can use it to build momentum and get people interested.
No matter what your plans are, participating in GivingTuesday can help you build hype for the future. And that can be a huge benefit for your charity.